Product Design company in Los Angeles

We can join your project at any stage!

Are you considering product design outsourcing? If you have a clear strategy, now is the right time for it.

It’s imperative that the product development phase starts off on the right foot, to avoid spending unnecessary time and money, minimize risks and ensure success. To achieve this, it’s important to dedicate resources to a previous step: Product Design. This phase comprises ideation, prototyping and testing.

After concluding this intensive learning process and the decision-making dynamics that define it, we will have achieved the following:

Define how we’ll solve the existing problem

Define how we’ll solve the existing problem

Mitigate risks through testing

Mitigate risks through testing

Acquire knowledge needed for a successful product development process

Acquire knowledge needed for a successful product development process

Validate your idea with your target audience before the next phase

Validate your idea with your target audience before the next phase

Benefits of Digital Product Design:

Every team member on the same page with a clear defined the focus

Discuss your expectations, needs, and risks

Identify your clients and prioritize features accordingly

Build a roadmap with input from developers, designers and industry experts

Create approximate time and cost estimates

Generate high level documentation (wireframes, mockups, etc)

Start your project

How we do it

In our experience as a digital product design firm we've found that it's best to keep this phase highly customizable, adapting the timeline to the current status of your product idea and your context. The duration depends on the project, and the agenda is created collaboratively. Specific activities may vary, but here’s a general idea:


Define Actions

To kickstart the product design process, we conduct product and business studies following Design Thinking best practices. This covers branding, demos, pricing strategy and more.


Create Product Prototype

- Rapid prototyping is a key part of this phase.


Test and measure

- User testing provides a lot of useful data. We’re dedicated to creating great user experiences, so testing your target audience is essential.



A key part of the UX design outsourcing process are the feedback stages. This will play a critical role in our ability to perfect the final product.

Case Studies

Machine Learning

ML-powered data used by Disney and HBO

Developing custom Machine Learning recognition features in the media industry

Web Development
Learning & Education

Web app enhances user engagement by 70%

How we helped the US' #1 personal development coach to innovate an outdated event support app.

Our preferred tools / frameworks:

Want to discuss your project?

We'd love to hear about your project, feel free to reach out to us.